Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, August 03, 2006

If her head wasn't attached...

Mommy can't find her USB cable to upload her pics of me, so that's why posting has been slow. She will continue to search for it, but until then, you'll just have to imagine how cute I am.

Everything is going well here. The rental furniture came on Monday and we started living in the house Tuesday night. We dug a few things out of our storage boxes to make it feel a little more like home. We've been pretty busy each day just running around and getting know, like FOOD, garbage cans and black sheets for the windows. Mom can't seem to decide on window treatments, so we're going goth for now.

I like the house, but I still call it the "new house" and ask where Katherine's house is and where the mountains are. I think it will feel much more like home once our "stuff" gets here in a few weeks.

My birthday invites will be sent out this weekend. Stay tuned and check back....more news to come soon~



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