Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Packin' up Chez Moi....Headin' to Chez TonTon

One more day till the movers come! Mom and Dad have been busy getting ready and I've been very good at entertaining myself. We (Mom) decided to name the new house "Chez TonTon" after this cool plaque we found down South. I had a fun weekend. I got to play with Addie twice and swim a lot as well. The hotel will also have a pool and air-conditioning, so we are looking forward to keeping cool for a change. Here are a few pics from the past few days. Have a good weekend. Oh yeah, I almost forgot! This past week, my Nana Vicki and Cousin Tara were nice enough to go paint our new house. Tara painted an AWESOME mural on my bedroom is so cool! I can't wait to get back and see it, it has monuments from all the famous places I have visited.


Mom and Dad's last mountain montage

My new room...see me in the balloon?

Dad at his work going away party


At 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Katherine,

Awesome mural on your new bedroom wall! We already miss you!

Your friends in France,
Gabi and Ben


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