Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Move 'em on, head 'em up, head 'em up, move 'em out...

......Move 'em on, head 'em out Rawhide!

That's about how it feels around here, kinda like herdin' cattle, if I knew what that felt like. Things are getting hairy, that's for sure. Mom is usually seen with her hands filling a tote and Dad is usually running around somewhere complaining about France and trying to keep it together. NOT that we're complaining or anything, it is a welcome transition! We'll be down to one car this weekend, so that could be a little tricky.

I've just been staying pretty chill and keeping in a pretty normal routine. School is good and I only have three school days left, quel dommage!

Remember the Italy jersey dress from about 5 posts back? Well, mom wanted me to wear it today, but we were afraid we may not make it out of France alive. FYI-- France vs Italy in the World Cup this weekend. Viva Italia! Daddy is rooting for France, but for some reason Mom is NOT. She doesn't like smug French people. She's actually not too crazy about any French people right now. Although give her a couple months, I'm sure she'll be disgusted by Americans and longing for her simple European life. That mommy is a silly one.

Have a good week and weekend. Hope your fourth was good. We don't "do" the fourth here, so we kinda forgot about it. We'll be around for French Independence Day next week, that should be a hoot.


Show me bored....

Now....stand on one foot!

Now....give me cute!

My most treasured possessions, my dinosaurs.


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