Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Holy Enchiladas!

Hey everyone. Yesterday was a busy day. I hosted my last playgroup at our house. Here I am making cupcakes for everyone. We hope to get to a few more playgroups while in the hotel, but we are not sure. The movers come Monday and then we go to the hotel for 10 days, wow! Mom had her going away dinner last night. I thought it was pretty silly she chose a Mexican restaurant in France, but oh well! I'm sure we will eat at lots of French restaurants in the weeks to come. Mark your calenders, my birthday party will be on August 26th at the Twining Park Shelter House in Monroe. We won't have any of our stuff in our house yet, so we have to have it there. It will be a dinosaur party and mom will send out invitations later. I am SO excited to have a T-Rex birthday cake! I am starting to get excited about the move...I sure know what is going on and I think I'm a little sad about it too. I told mommy yesterday that the Baby Dinosaurs don't want to move to the new house....but I think they will make new friends and be OK. My whole little life has been here in France, so it will be hard to say goodbye. I am very excited to be close to my family though.

Have a good Wednesday!


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