Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Here I am!

Wow, it has been a caaarazy week. Last week, we got here and spent two days in Monroe just catching up and resting. Last Wednesday, the fun began. Mommy went house-hunting while I stayed with Leah. We had so much fun and I am so sad that she is moving to Minnesota! Then, on Friday, we drove UP to Grandma D's house and spent the weekend there. Daddy flew in Friday night and surprised everyone (except us, of course). I had a great weekend playing with my cousins and playing on the farm. I even got to ride in the tractor with Uncle D for awhile. Then on Monday, we went BACK so Daddy could look at homes. After a lot of thinking, we chose one that is just right for us. Mom & Dad did the paperwork on Tuesday and then we drove BACK to Wisconsin where we are now. Dad stays here until Sunday. Mom and I have to go back to close on the house. It is all happening VERY fast! We are busy, but hopefully the next couple days will be relaxing for us all. Hope everyone is well! ~katherine.

Riding 4 wheeler with Grandma

First twinkie EVER at Leah's house...this is how I ate it.

Mommy's old coworkers reunite

Our new house


At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like you knew home. I can't wait to see it. (I just might have to take a trip to the "boat" to see if I can lose some money as well)

Love Aunt Debbie


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