Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I'm just swingin' around, killing time until we can come back! Mom and I made a calender for this week and everyday we cross the day off and count down how many days we have left. I ask about it EVERY day! I am very excited to fly on the plane and see everyone. Mom is excited to find a house. There is a lot on the market right now and the realtor has lots for her to look at so hopefully one of them is the right one. The weather here has been great and I've been playing outside a lot. Hope you are all doing well, see you SOON!



At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there little swinger, can't wait for you to get here. Nana Vicki thinks that she has a picture of your mommy swinging on her swing set that looks just like you do here. See you on Sunday, Love Nana Vicki


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