Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Take a Hike!

Hi. Daddy had the day off yesterday. They don't get Good Friday off here, but the Monday after Easter instead. We took a hike with Ben and his daddy. We went all the way up to a refuge that was just over an hour from our house. We had a picnic up there and played by the pond. It was REALLY chilly up there, so mom had to bundle me up for the way down. I slept the whole way down in the backpack. It was a great adventure and I'm so lucky that daddy is willing to carry me all the way up. Less than 2 weeks and we'll be home...yay! See you later.



At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to see you enjoyed your Easter holiday and are planning a trip to the US. Tell Dad 'happy birthday' for me and best of luck house hunting.

linda a - Cat


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