Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Gettin' me an education

I had a very fun day yesterday and boy did I deserve it since mommy has been hauling me around for days and days. First, we went to see cousin Tara at her school. We had school lunch with her and then I got to sit in on her first grade art class. They were working on a fish project and they were all very nice to me and let me participate. Then, my Aunt Corrie and cousins Katie and Ashley came to Monroe and we went....BOWLING! It was so much fun. I had the complete look going on with my bowling shirt and they even had little shoes to fit me. I had my first strike ever and was very excited. Afterwards, we went for ice cream at Culvers. It was a great day! Today, mommy, nana & I go to finish up stuff with our NEW house! Then we fly out Saturday. Wow, where did the time go? Ciao for now!

Me and the big kids.

Go ball, go!

My first strike!

The shoes, so stylish.


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