Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Wrinkles and Wishes

Hi! Not a whole lot going on here. Mommy and I have had a pretty quiet week, which is nice! Here I am with the birthday card that Daddy and I made for Mommy. We sung to her this morning and gave her lots of kisses. I wanted to get her a jar of wrinkle cream, but the size she needed was too heavy! Hee...hee.... I think she'll have a great birthday and maybe we'll eat cake tonight. Just to also let you know not to worry about us over here. Some people have asked about the bad stuff happening in France, but it is not the French, just the immigrants. My mommy says that there have been a few riots here and 70 cars burned, but nothing to put us in danger. We live up high in the mountains and we are very safe! Happy Wednesday! Love Katherine


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